Friends. Family. Fun Loving. Generous and Giving. Christ Followers. Music Lovers. Artists. Bible Students. Doctors. Lawyers. Construction Workers. Custodians. Secretaries. Retired. College Students. Teachers. Principals. Nurses. Pharmacists. Moms. Dads. Grandmas. Grandpas. Business Owners. Geologists. Engineers. Accountants. Financial Advisers. Computer Programmers. Business Executives. Veterans. Community Leaders. Government Workers. Proud Americans. World Travelers. Compassionate. Caring. Community Minded. Diverse and Yet the Same. We are One in Christ Jesus Our Lord. We Are God's Force to Make The Village and OKC a Better Place by Working to Become Better People. Forgiven and Forgiving. Promoters of Healing and Health. Sinners and Saints, Each With Our Own Weaknesses and Strengths. Encouragers and Encouraging. Idealists. Realists. Happy. Positive. People.
Covenant was formally organized on December 11, 1955. The first meetings were held in a dance studio at Casady Shopping Center. Our unique building was built in three phases, completed in 1972, and updated in 2005. The architect was a church member and student of the Bible. He designed our beautiful art glass windows. The red flames portray the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses; interwoven with the Cross of Christ. We have seven unique and beautiful art glass windows portraying seven of God's covenants. The very shape of our sanctuary resembles Noah's Ark. In addition to the sacred art and architecture that makes our church unique, sacred music has long been one of our strengths. Over 2700 members, and a boatload of people who never joined the church have served God, each other, and the OKC community during our 62 years of service to our Lord.
Heaven, of course. Before we get there, though, we have a God-given mission to work toward becoming better people in a better world. We're working to make ourselves and OKC, better. A better city starts with each person admitting our own sins and weaknesses. It's hard to make changes in ourselves, so we ask the Lord's help and encourage one another. As we look inwardly and take responsibility for ourselves, we also look outwardly to care the way Jesus cared. He asks us to be good and faithful stewards of our lives, of the people we meet, and of the good Earth He gave us. With gratitude for all His good gifts, we work to better ourselves, our city, and our world. We are growing up, before we go up.
Teach and preach a loving relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and glorify God by CARING for one another.
"Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God." Covenant is a place where people enjoy being and serving Christ, together. We tease, laugh, and enjoy each other. You don't have to be crazy to belong here. We'll train you.
We want to serve our community in the best way we can. We do this through our Mobile Meals Program, Donations to The Urban Mission, and are always open to hearing about other ways we can support our coummunity.