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Your session has been engaged in a process called Project Regeneration. This is a process designed to help congregations reflect on what it means to be the church in their particular setting. Members of the session talked about this during our congregational gathering in October and I have mentioned it in preaching.
We have spent time reading and discussing the book Sailboat Church by Joan S. Gray. This book compares rowboat churches who strive to keep the church going through their own efforts (rowing) to sailboat churches who move through the winds of the Spirit (sailing). Please let me know if you would like a copy of this book.
We are now getting ready for a crucial part of this process – a commitment to spend 40 Days in intentional prayer. We would like to invite you to join us in this prayer time. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, driven there by the Holy Spirit. While we know he was tempted by Satan during that time, I suspect much of his time was spent in prayer. During Lent we remember Jesus’ time in the wilderness and this year we are going to do that in prayer. We will start on Ash Wednesday and finish the day before Easter. Each week the devotional in the bulletin insert will reflect the prayer prompts for that week. These will also be in our weekly e-News, “Happening at Covenant”. If you would like a copy, please contact the office.
Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
We hope and pray that you will grow in relationship with the living God as we worship together. Members and guests are asked to sign the Ministry of Friendship book as it is passed from the front pew to the back.
New members come into our fellowship by Profession of Faith, Letter of Transfer, or Reaffirmation of Faith. Please call the church office (405)751-2546 or speak to a serving elder, denoted by a gold flag on their name tag, for more information. In worship, God is the audience. We are participants who have gathered to give thanks and praise. In reverence to God and out of respect for other worshippers, please silence your cell phones.
Children are welcome in worship each Sunday. Activity tote bags for children are available at the welcome table each week. The nursery is open for parents with little ones as well.
The congregation is invited to stand, in body or spirit, when an asterisk (*) is notated in the bulletin. Where there is boldedtext, the congregation is invited to speak aloud in unison.
Children are welcome in worship each Sunday. A children's moment is included in the worship service each week.
Activity tote bags for children are available at the welcome table each week. They include a children's bulletin, crayons, and a few fidget toys. There is also a small play area in the parlor to spend time and have refreshments before worship.
We also have a childcare worker available to watch younger children during the service. Ask for directions to the childcare when you arrive and we will gladly show you the way introduce you to the caregiver.
If you just need a quiet room to rock or feed a baby, the nursery is available to parents as well.
Located on the Southeast side of the building. Use this door to visit us during the week!
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm
Access to the parking lot is off of Manchester Dr., or Ridgeview Dr.
Located on the Northeast side of the building. Use this door on Sunday mornings. Worship starts at 10:30am. Come early for refreshments and fellowship!
10100 Ridgeview Dr, Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Phone - (405) 751-2546 Email -
Sunday worship service at 10:30 a.m.
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.